Work with us....

Positions available within our organisation.




Current Opportunities:

Board Directors

Seeking Expressions of Interest for Board Positions.

AgBiz Assist is seeking passionate and experienced individuals to join our Board of Directors. As a Director, you’ll play a pivotal role in enhancing the economic and social wellbeing of rural and regional communities, small businesses, and agribusinesses. The role requires an understanding of family farming and/or small business management.

To express your interest in becoming an AgBiz Assist Ltd (ABA) Board Director and/or Assist Partners Board Director please read the Board Director position description and provide the following:

  • Covering letter outlining why they are interested in being an ABA Director, and/ or Assist Partners Director
  • Response to the following merit criteria (brief)
    1. Your desire to enhance the economic and social wellbeing of people and businesses in primary production, agribusiness, small regional businesses and regional communities.
    2. Why you believe you have a strong alignment with ABA’s strategic intent, our values and desire to improve the skills, wellbeing and services for rural people and business.
    3. Relevant experience and/or qualifications as a Director or in governance, Business Development and organisational transformation.
    4. Your ability to work collaboratively and respectfully with a diverse group of people and opinions.
    5. What specialised knowledge, skills or experience relevant to the purpose and operation of the organisation will you bring to the ABA Board and or Assist Partners Board.
    6. Relevant experience with one or more of the following:

  • Social enterprise, business transition and development
  • Marketing and communications
  • Information technology, telecommunications and digital transformation
  • Commercialisation and entrepreneurship
  • Climate adaption
  • Rural health and wellbeing
    (The above merit criteria correspond with the numbers and shortened description on the shortlist ranking sheet)
  • Current Resume
  • At least three referees (or if you are selected for an interview please bring a list of referees with you).

Applications via Email, marked as Confidential to Nerida Kerr, Executive Officer, AgBiz Assist: by c.o.b Monday 7 April 2025.

ABA Board Director Position Description

AgBiz Assist 2020-2024 Strategic Plan