
We acknowledge the contribution of the following organisations and are always looking to develop new partnerships to support our communities.

Funding Bodies

In-kind Support

We also thank the organisations and staff that have worked with us in delivering valuable support services to our clients, including:

  • Murray Dairy
  • Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program
  • Alpine Valleys Dairy Inc.
  • Victorian Farmers Federation
  • Centrelink
  • Regional Development Victoria
  • Office Small Business Commissioner
  • CRS Warner Kugel, Insolvency Specialist
  • Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Chamberlain S.B.R. Chartered Accountants
  • Primary Care Connect Shepparton
  • Numurkah District Health Service
  • Integrated Primary Mental Health Service – Rural Communities Health and Wellbeing Network (Eastern Hume)
  • Upper Murray Family Care – Financial Counselling Network
  • Shire Councils including Indigo, Wangaratta, Towong, Alpine, Benalla, Shepparton, Campaspe and Moira.

Can you help?

As a non-profit organisation AgBiz Assist Ltd (trading as RFCS VIC-NE) is supported by the Australian and Victorian governments. We also rely on donations from the community to assist with new initiatives.

We plan to extend our existing services by obtaining additional funding or forming community and business partnerships that allow us to deliver complementary programs and services to rural communities in our region.

Call or email us to discuss your involvement.

AgBiz Assist is registered as a deductible gift recipient (DGR), so any financial contributions are tax deductible.